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Amber Jones

Answering the Door of Hard Knocks

After a bit of a sabbatical from blog posts....I'm back with more stories and thoughts about what I'm learning through life here on the farm. These blogs are fun way to share a unique view of farm and family through words. If you'd like to see a pictorial blog, we invite you to follow us on Instagram and/or Facebook! Our page "Devon Valley Farms" is similar to the blog (a glimpse of life for a farm family); and, Daron's Instagram page "The Beard Speaks DVM" gives video tutorials/pictures on the medical and "descriptive" side of being a farm vet and beef farmer.

The Beard Speaks DVM

We had a few unexpected hard knocks towards the beginning of summer. And when I say unexpected, its in its truest form. The kind where you find yourself down and wondering how you got there and why you didn't see it coming. With the dairy industry hurting, there are ripple effects that touch all involved...including the farm vets who help the farmers who care for the animals who feed us. (Sounds like an old nursery rhyme of this person takes that person takes that person who eventually eats the cheese, right?.) In May, Daron was surprised with a significant, unexpected salary "adjustment" that left us scrambling to find a new norm for our budget. Sadly, it came on the very day we were going to place an offer on one of my lifetime very own shop/bakery.

Funny how mere hours can change the direction of a family. My journaling over the following weeks included some strong language as I wrestled with the fairness of a God I had come to trust as good. I was - at times the proverbial toddler beating his chest with my tiny fists - as he held me and allowed my humanity to process the sadness and grief of a dream put on an indefinite pause.

You know what's a neat thought, though? When we are beating his chest with our questions and tears, that means we are right up close. Just as I pull my own little ones close as they throw a tantrum, whispering in their ear, and waiting for them to quiet enough to speak truth into their little did my heavenly Father. He allowed my anger. He made it clear in little reassurances that He had not vindictively forgotten us.

We are still in the unseen-trusting phase of His plan. But even now He gives small gifts of light as we make our way in faith. Being a few months in, there are aspects of "missing out" that are even beginning to look like blessings! I look at these days as the prerequisites to the good stuff He has planned for our family. Just as my sweet Vivian trusts her daddy and enjoys the security of being close to him. So I am learning to enjoy the closeness of a good, good Father Who has beautiful plans for His children. This is how I am learning to rest in uncertainty - A place of peace that is hollowed out in the well of life's concerns. Nestled in my Father's arms.



Pre-Orders for Fall Beef Now available through our website!!


You are invited to join us for our 2nd Annual Autumn Farm & Table event! Friday, October 12 6:30 pm ~ there will be old black and whites on the side of the barn (Mayberry anyone?), A deluxe Hot Dog Bar (not your average dog pile), crafts, lawn games and more. Please bring a pie to share! The Olde Creamery* ice cream truck will be available for those who'd like to purchase a scoop to make their pie a la mode. We will be giving an update on Freedom Farms in Slovakia as well as some exciting happenings here. Come prepared to donate to Freedom Farms and be entered to win an EIGHTH of our 100% grassfed beef or one of our Pastured Poultry (must be present to win).

*We encourage you to follow our Brother and Sister-in-law in their new start-up venture - The Olde Creamery - on FB and Instagram. Its a cute, farm-chic inspired ice cream truck!

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